Terms of service

**Disclaimer: In case of any discrepancies between the English and Traditional Chinese versions of this document, the Traditional Chinese version shall prevail.**

Welcome to the Trainge sports platform (hereinafter referred to as "Trainge"). Trainge is built and operated by Trendonut Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"). Before using this service, please carefully read the following terms. All users of this service should thoroughly review the following agreed terms. These terms of service constitute a contract between the user and the Company. When you complete registration or begin using this service, it indicates that you have had a reasonable review period (recommended more than 5 days), have thoroughly read, understood, and agreed to comply with the terms (including the privacy policy and refund policy) (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Service").


Article 1: Main Terms

1. This service includes providing an online platform service that integrates payment, logistics, and information flows to offer users transactions for courses, venue rentals, and products.

2. Transactions and payments not made through this service platform are not subject to the provisions of Articles 4 through 7 of these Terms of Service. Trainge assumes no responsibility for breach of contract, product defects, warranties, quality issues, refunds, or damages related to such transactions or payments. Users agree and guarantee not to raise any disputes related to such transactions or claims against Trainge or its affiliates.

3. For transactions and payments made through this service platform (excluding those where the user chooses to pay in cash or outside the Trainge platform to Trainge partners), the Company will issue invoices.

4. Trainge may revise these Terms of Service at any time, including modifications to any published or future terms of service, usage rules, methods, processing principles, policies, notices, and related service descriptions. Users should regularly check Trainge's announcements and updates to the Terms of Service. Revised content will take effect upon announcement unless stated otherwise. From the effective date, if the user continues to use this service, it will be deemed that the user has read, understood, and agreed to all revised content. If the user disagrees with the revised content, the user should immediately stop using the service, and Trainge may terminate the contract without any obligation for compensation.

5. Users guarantee that they are individuals with full legal capacity (not subject to guardianship, assistance declarations, or meeting the definition of full legal capacity as defined by the Civil Code of the Republic of China) or legally registered corporations or organizations. If the user has limited legal capacity, their legal guardian must read, understand, and agree to all the terms of these Terms of Service, including any modifications, before using or continuing to use the service. If the user starts or continues to use the service, it is presumed that their legal guardian has read, understood, and agreed to all the terms of the Terms of Service, including any modifications.

6. Users guarantee that all the information they provide is accurate and up-to-date, and they may not register as a member under a third party's name. If the user's information changes, they must update it promptly. If the user does not provide information in a timely manner, fails to provide the required information, provides incorrect or misleading information, or fails to update their information, Trainge may, without prior notice, refuse or suspend part or all of the services provided to that user.

7. Users are responsible for safeguarding their account and password and must not provide or disclose them to third parties. All actions taken after logging into the service system using a specific account and password will be presumed to be performed by the account holder. If the user discovers or suspects that their account or password has been misused or improperly accessed, they should immediately notify Trainge.

8. Trainge may limit the number of accounts a single individual or entity can register and reserves the right to accept or decline registration applications at its discretion.

9. When Trainge needs to notify users of relevant information to provide the service, it may use any contact information provided by the user. If the user's contact information changes, they should update it promptly via the website or other channels to ensure accuracy, timeliness, and completeness. If Trainge sends a message but it is undelivered due to incorrect, outdated, or otherwise inaccurate information provided by the user, it will still be considered as properly delivered by the Company.

10. After receiving an order (offer) from a user, the Company must confirm the transaction details, product availability, or the ability to provide the service. If the order cannot be accepted or the user fails to complete payment, the order (sales contract) will be deemed invalid from the outset. The Company may notify the user of the rejection within a reasonable period and may request that the user place a new order if needed.

11. Trainge will make every effort to maintain the normal operation of its service system so that members can conduct transactions smoothly. However, the service is provided "as is," and Trainge makes no explicit or implied guarantees regarding the following:

(1) Meeting the user's specific needs;

(2) Uninterrupted operation of the system and software;

(3) Timely, accurate transmission, processing, storage, and backup of data;

(4) Timely detection and correction of system, software, or data errors.

12. Trainge is not liable for damages resulting from service interruptions, transaction failures, data loss or damage, or other related incidents due to the following, except in cases of intentional or gross negligence by Trainge:

(1) Routine maintenance, relocation, replacement, upgrades, or repairs to the service system;

(2) Data loss or damage caused by backup errors or failures;

(3) Actions by third parties, situations beyond Trainge's control, or other reasons not attributable to Trainge;

(4) Natural disasters or other force majeure events.

13. Privacy

(1) Trainge values your privacy. To better protect your rights, we have detailed our privacy practices in the privacy policy. Please review the privacy policy to understand how Trainge collects and uses information about your account and/or your use of the service. By using this service or providing information on this website, you:

a. Consent to Trainge collecting, using, disclosing, and/or processing your content and personal data as described in the privacy policy;

b. Agree and understand that ownership of user information is shared between you and Trainge; and

c. May not disclose your user information directly or indirectly to third parties or allow third parties to access or use your user information without Trainge's prior written consent.

(2) Users who possess other users' personal data by using this service (hereinafter referred to as the "recipient") agree to: a. comply with all personal data protection laws related to the collected data; b. allow the user whose personal data has been collected (hereinafter referred to as the "discloser") to request the removal of their data from the recipient's database; and c. allow the discloser to review the data collected by the recipient. In the cases of b. and c., compliance with applicable laws is required.

14. According to Article 19, Paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of the Consumer Protection Act: "Ⅰ. Consumers involved in distance or door-to-door sales transactions may cancel the contract within seven days after receiving the goods or services without providing a reason or incurring any fees or costs, except in cases of reasonable exceptions to distance sales. Ⅱ. The reasonable exceptions to distance sales transactions will be determined by the Executive Yuan." Therefore, unless otherwise announced by the government or required by other laws, users enjoy the right to cancel contracts as per Article 19, Paragraph 1, of the Consumer Protection Act after receiving the goods.

15. Users must follow the instructions of Trainge’s partners, staff, and trainers when using the courses, venues, equipment, and services provided by the platform. High-risk individuals who are unsuitable for exercise (e.g., those with heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes) or those in poor physical condition (e.g., pregnant, intoxicated, injured) or who are undergoing medical treatment for an injury should refrain from using the courses or services provided by the platform. Users who fail to follow this rule or the instructions of partners, staff, or trainers assume full risk for any consequences, and the Company shall not be held responsible.


Article 2: Behavioral Code

1. Users must log into the system using their own membership account and password when using the services and functions of Trainge. They may not transfer or authorize others to use their account (including credit ratings) in any manner.

2. Users who find other members violating laws or these terms or engaging in inappropriate conduct may report them to Trainge.

3. Users should carefully review transaction conditions and relevant information before bidding or purchasing specific items. After a product or service has been sold, both parties must fulfill their transaction with the utmost good faith.

4. Users may not engage in unfair competition during transactions (e.g., fake bidding or maliciously canceling orders), interfere with the normal operation of the website (e.g., hacking), or send unsolicited advertisements.

5. Users may not manipulate transactions, engage in false transactions, maliciously cancel orders, interfere with others' transactions, or attempt to commit fraud. All user actions and statements on the Trainge platform must comply with legal provisions and the agreed terms of service.

6. Users may not maliciously defame other users on the Trainge platform or engage in improper conduct to raise their credit rating or lower the credit rating of others.

7. Users may not post or publish any objects or information that violate laws, public order, morals, infringe upon third-party rights, or that Trainge deems inappropriate for the platform.

8. For the following types of information posted or published by users on the Trainge platform, Trainge may remove or restrict access without prior notice:

(1) Information intended to evade or help evade applicable fees;

(2) Information intended to inflate or manipulate credit ratings;

(3) Information that Trainge reasonably believes involves malicious, fraudulent, or false content;

(4) Information that Trainge reasonably believes is unrelated to the transaction or not intended for the transaction of goods;

(5) Information that Trainge reasonably believes involves malicious bidding or attempts to disrupt normal transaction order.

9. Users do not obtain any express or implied intellectual property rights of Trainge by becoming a member. Without Trainge's prior written consent, users may not use, reproduce, or distribute any works, materials, trademarks, or logos from the Trainge platform in any form.

10. Users agree and acknowledge that if required by law, pursuant to a court order, or requested by any government or supervisory authority with jurisdiction over Trainge, or based on reasonable necessity in good faith, Trainge may access, preserve, and disclose user account information and content to: (1) comply with legal procedures; (2) enforce the Terms of Service; (3) respond to complaints of content that infringes upon third-party rights; (4) respond to user customer service requests; or (5) protect the rights, property, or safety of Trainge, its users, or the public.


Article 3: Suspension and Termination

1. If Trainge discovers or receives reports or notices from third parties that a user's conduct, transactions, or the goods, courses, services, objects, or information they post or publish violate laws, public order, morals, infringe on third-party rights, violate these Terms of Service or related rules or guidelines, or breach the terms and service descriptions set by third-party service providers, Trainge may, without prior notice, remove the relevant objects or information or make them inaccessible, suspend part or all of the user's services or features, and cancel their membership or terminate the membership contract. If a violation of the law is involved, Trainge may actively refer the user's membership and transaction information to judicial authorities for investigation or cooperate with relevant authorities.

2. Trainge may publish a list of suspended users on its website.

3. Users who violate laws, infringe upon third-party rights, or breach the terms and service descriptions set by third-party service providers or these Terms of Service are liable for compensation for any damages incurred by Trainge or third parties as a result.

4. If a third party files a claim or demand against you for actions related to the service, your account activities, violations of these Terms of Service, or other actions that infringe on third-party rights, you are responsible for compensating Trainge, its personnel, agents, partners, or other relevant individuals for any damages incurred and for assuming any related liabilities.

5. You are responsible for properly safeguarding your phone, payment credit card, account details, and payment password and must not transfer, pledge, or allow others to use them. In the event of any disputes or losses arising from such actions, you will bear the consequences. If your phone, designated credit card, or account information is lost or misused by unauthorized parties, or if Trainge determines that your account has been compromised, the following will apply:

(1) You must notify the Company immediately upon discovering the issue so the Company can suspend your account.

(2) If the Company determines that the issue exists, it will notify you immediately and suspend payment actions associated with the account.

(3) Any losses incurred after you have notified the Company will be borne by the Company (unless your agreement with the issuing bank requires you to bear such losses, in which case you will remain responsible); any losses incurred before the notification will be borne by you, except where the Company is at fault.

(4) If your credit card is lost or for other reasons the issuing bank refuses payment, or if you violate these Terms of Service, you must stop using the service or provide another valid credit card. If you continue using the service despite such issues, the Company may suspend or terminate all or part of its services under its affiliates, and the Company reserves the right to seek damages if it incurs losses as a result.

6. In the event of a payment error while using this service, the following principles apply:

(1) If the error is attributable to the Company or caused by equipment or network issues used by the Company, the Company will correct the error immediately upon discovery and notify you.

(2) If the error is attributable to the user or caused by equipment or network issues used by the user, the user will bear the costs of the error, but the Company will assist in resolving the issue upon notification.

(3) If the error is attributable to a third party, but neither the user nor the Company is at fault, the Company will assist in correcting the error and provide necessary assistance. If deemed necessary by the Company, it may assume the costs of the error.

(4) If, under your agreement with the issuing bank, you are responsible for the costs of the payment error, you will bear the costs, but the Company will assist where necessary.

7. You must pay within your credit card's available credit limit when using this service.

8. If you wish to stop using the service, you must submit an application to the Company. The application will take effect once the Company cancels your registered account, but you are still responsible for settling any unpaid amounts incurred before the account was canceled. If you have not used the service after registration or purchase, the Company may cancel or suspend your account.

9. You understand and agree that when using this service to make payments, no signature, transaction slip, or written contract is required. You may not refuse payment on the grounds of lacking a signature.

10. If Trainge removes user objects or information, suspends part or all of the user's services or features, or cancels or terminates the membership contract, Trainge is not liable for any losses the user may incur.

11. If you discover that any users on this website are violating the Terms of Service, please contact service@trainge.com and allow us time to process the information. Trainge will respond as quickly as possible within practical limits.


Article 4: T Points Rewards Mechanism

1. Users can earn reward points ("T Points") through shopping behavior covered by the Trainge performance guarantee or by participating in other activities that Trainge determines periodically ("Applicable Activities") based on the conversion ratio specified by Trainge. Unless otherwise specified, T Points will be credited to the user’s account after Trainge confirms the user has completed the applicable activity. All users are eligible to participate in the T Points rewards mechanism unless otherwise excluded in their account.

2. Transactions or activities not covered by the Trainge performance guarantee are not eligible for T Points rewards. Trainge reserves the right to exclude specific types of items from the T Points rewards mechanism.

3. T Points have no monetary value, do not constitute the user's property, and cannot be sold, transferred to other users, or exchanged for cash. Users cannot request that T Points be converted into cash.

4. Users can request to redeem T Points based on the current applicable conversion standards, methods, and limits set by Trainge (Trainge reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate these standards, methods, and limits at any time).

5. Redeemed T Points will be deducted from the user's T Points balance. T Points are subject to expiration. Please monitor the accumulated T Points balance and expiration date in your account.

6. We will periodically launch applicable activities and notify users of the relevant details.

7. If a user has a dispute regarding the amount of T Points earned through an applicable activity, they must notify Trainge within one month of the activity and provide evidence to support their claim as required by Trainge.

8. Trainge does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for taxes or tax treatments that may arise from the accrual of T Points. Users should seek advice from their tax advisors regarding the potential tax implications of T Points.

9. Trainge reserves the following rights: (1) to terminate the T Points rewards mechanism at any time, and (2) to cancel, suspend, or limit any user's eligibility to participate in the T Points rewards mechanism, including but not limited to the accumulation or redemption of T Points.


Article 5: Purchase and Payment

1. Trainge or its payment service partners may support one or more of the following payment methods in their operating countries:

(1) Credit cards

(2) Apple Pay

(3) Google Pay

If a user chooses to pay in cash or outside of Trainge’s platform-provided payment services to a Trainge partner, the platform will not provide refund protection or payment record verification in the event of subsequent transaction changes, modifications, terminations, or cancellations.

2. Users can only change their payment method before completing payment.

3. Before completing payment, users should verify the accuracy of payment instructions through the confirmation mechanism provided by Trainge.

If a payment error occurs due to circumstances not attributable to the consumer, Trainge or its payment service partner will assist the consumer in correcting the error and provide other necessary assistance. If the payment error is attributable to Trainge or its payment service partner, they will correct the error immediately upon discovery and notify the consumer via email, SMS, or app notification. If the payment error is attributable to the consumer (e.g., incorrect amount or recipient), Trainge or its payment service partner will assist in resolving the issue upon notification from the consumer. We reserve the right to verify whether the user has sufficient authorization to use a particular payment method and may suspend or cancel the transaction if authorization cannot be confirmed. After completing each payment, Trainge will notify the user via email, SMS, or app notification, and the payment details will be immediately displayed in the user's Trainge wallet for review.


Article 6: Taxes

1. The tax calculation method is: Pre-tax course (venue) amount × 5% = tax (amount rounded to the nearest whole dollar).

2. Users will pay taxes at checkout.


Article 7: Cancellations and Refunds

1. Users can cancel an order only before the purchase amount is transferred to the Trainge performance guarantee account.

2. Users may apply for refunds during the Trainge performance guarantee period (if applicable) in accordance with the refund policy. For more details, please refer to Trainge’s refund policy.

3. Trainge reserves the right to cancel any transactions on the website. Buyers understand and agree that the only remedy in this case is a refund of the purchase amount held in the Trainge performance guarantee account.

4. If you use T Points to offset the purchase amount on the website and later request a refund in accordance with Trainge’s refund and return policy, Trainge or its payment service partner will refund the actual amount paid in cash (including transfers) and restore the T Points used to your account.


Article 8: Authorization

1. When users upload, transmit, or provide object data or other related materials to the Trainge platform, they are deemed to have agreed to authorize Trainge to use, store, and publish the materials for specific or non-specific users to search and browse. Trainge may reproduce, distribute, publicly broadcast, publicly display, modify, edit, publicly release, or publicly transmit the materials in physical or electronic form, and may sublicense these rights to third parties. Users must guarantee that they have the rights to upload, transmit, or provide such materials and authorize Trainge to use, store, publish, search, and browse, reproduce, distribute, publicly broadcast, publicly display, modify, edit, publicly release, or publicly transmit the materials, and sublicense these rights to third parties.

2. To protect the legitimate rights of intellectual property owners, if users discover that items or related information posted or published by other members infringe on intellectual property rights, they may file a complaint or notice. Trainge, in the interest of protecting its members, has the right to remove items or information that may infringe upon the rights of others or make them inaccessible, and Trainge is not responsible for any losses incurred by members. If Trainge is subject to claims or damages due to the actions of a user who infringes upon the rights of others or abuses their rights, that user is liable for compensation and reimbursement to Trainge.


Article 9: Governing Law and Jurisdiction

1. These Terms of Service, related rules, methods, processing principles, policies, and service descriptions are governed by the laws of Taiwan.

2. Any disputes between the user and Trainge arising from this service, these Terms of Service, or related rules, methods, processing principles, policies, and service descriptions will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Taichung District Court of Taiwan as the court of first instance.


Article 10: Company Information

Name: Trendonut Co., Ltd. (82819839)

Responsible Person: Chi Wei Kang

Website: https://trainge.com

Address: 12th Floor, No. 35, Section 2, Zhonghua Road, Central District, Taichung City, Taiwan

Customer Service Email: service@trainge.com

Service Hours: Customer service email is available 24/7, and customer service staff will handle inquiries during business hours.


Please send all legal notices to legal@trainge.com and specify the recipient as "General Counsel."


Last Updated: September 18, 2024

**Disclaimer: In case of any discrepancies between the English and Traditional Chinese versions of this document, the Traditional Chinese version shall prevail.**